New Covenant Sacrifices

The sacrifices once offered under the Old Covenant were merely shadows from which the substantive sacrifice of Christ finally emerged. The offering of the body of Jesus Christ on the cross was not only a fulfillment of those sacrifices, but rendered them obsolete (Heb.8:13). The sacrifices of the Old Covenant though offered continually day after day and year after year could never take away sins. The worshippers who offered them could never become perfect or completely and eternally forgiven of their sins. By contrast, the author of Hebrews writes of Christ’s sacrifice of Himself, “For by one offering, He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified” (10:14). His sacrifice put an end to those offered under the Old Covenant.
There are however other sacrifices that we worshipers under the New Covenant are called upon to offer. These sacrifices do not provide any atonement for sin, but are offered in praise and thanksgiving to God. They include the fruit of our lips which we offer to God along with the sacrifices of doing good and sharing with people (Heb.13:15-16). With these sacrifices God is well pleased when we offer them in the name of our great High Priest, Jesus Christ!