Sunday Bulletin January 26 2025

Sunday Bulletin January 19 2025

Sunday Bulletin January 12 2025

Sunday Bulletin January 5 2025


Craig A. Brittingham, Pastor
Hillside Baptist Church
January 26, 2025

“Christ Crucified!” – 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

* God is pleased to save people from their sins, but only in His way, and in His wisdom through which He saves them by means of the cross of Jesus.
* But the message of the cross by which people are saved and have eternal life is foolishness to the world.

1A. The message of the cross is foolishness to the world (18-20).
1b. The message of the cross is nonsense to those who are perishing (18).
2b. However, to those who are being saved, it is the power of God (18).
3b. Man in his wisdom has concluded that the message of the cross is foolishness (19-20).
1c. It is for this reason that he does not believe it.
2c. It is for this reason that he is perishing and will perish if he does not have a change of mind.
3c. Because man in his wisdom rejects the message of the cross, God will destroy worldly wisdom (19).
4c. God has made foolish the wisdom of this world (20)

2A. God, in His wisdom, is pleased to save people though the foolishness of the message preached – Christ crucified (21-25).
1b. The world in its wisdom did not, would not, could not know God (21).
2b. God takes pleasure in saving people who believe the message considered foolishness by the world (21).
3b. This message is a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles or Greeks (22-23).
1c. The call of God makes the difference in the lives of both Jews and Gentiles (24).
2c. God’s way of salvation, though rejected by many is far superior to man’s way (25).

1. Why was/is the message of the cross a stumbling block to the Jews?
2. Why was/is it foolishness to the Greeks or Gentiles?
3. In what other ways do people deem the gospel foolishness today?
4. Does this mean we should tweak the message so that more people would accept it? Why? Why not?
5. Why did Paul refer to Christians as those who are being saved, rather than those who are saved?
6. Why does it please God to save people through the message of the cross or Christ crucified?
7. How does/will God destroy the wisdom of the world?
8. How does Paul elevate God’s wisdom and strength above man’s in verse 25?
9. How is the message of the cross the power of God?