“Everything in Subjection to Christ!”

The recipients of the epistle to the Hebrews were Jewish Christians who in large measure because of persecution were tempted to return to life and faith under the Old Covenant. The writer urged them to remain faithful to Christ Who is the Mediator of a better covenant – the New Covenant. In chapters 1 and 2, the writer argues the superiority of the New Covenant by pointing out that Jesus Christ is superior to the angels who had a part in mediating the Old Covenant. For example, it is Jesus, not the angels, Who sits at God’s right hand until His enemies are put in subjection to Him (1:13).
The author quickly revisits this point of Christ’s superiority to angels in chapter 2 when he writes, “For He has not put the world to come, of which we speak, in subjection to angels” (2:5). He then quotes from Psalm 8 to demonstrate that God put all things in subjection to man. That first “man” of course was Adam to whom God gave dominion over the world and everything in it (Gen.1:28). So, God’s original plan was to put man in charge, not the angels. However, since the first “Adam” or man failed, God sent His Son who Himself became a man in order to fulfill God’s original plan. The world to come will be put in subjection to Christ when He returns to earth, destroys His enemies, and rules over the nations.
Since it is God’s will to put all things in subjection to Christ, let us now put ourselves in subjection to Him. May every thought we think, every word we speak, and every deed we do be reflections of our willing and joyful subjection to Christ our Lord. He is worthy of all our obedience because of Who He is and what He has done for us. The Lord of heaven became a man (without ceasing to be God) so that He might suffer and die for us on the cross (2:9). By the grace of God, He tasted death for us that we might not have to! Because He paid the penalty for sin and rose again, all who believe in Him have eternal life, and need not fear eternal death and condemnation!

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