Hebrews10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of dong, but encouraging one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Our mission statement: We seek to provide a place for women to gather in order to encourage one another, to support one another, to learn from one another and to grow spiritually through prayer, study, and planned activities that glorify God and follow His direction to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds”.
The ladies of Hillside desire to continually grow in God’s word and use their talents and abilities to reach out to our church family and our community. Great fellowship and important service happens in the ladies ministry program. There is a place for everyone, from planning and preparing church dinners to working on projects for Operation Christmas Child, to rolling bandages for hospitals in Bangladesh.
From time to time, some of us need a little special attention. We reach out to our church family with meals, visits, cards of encouragement and a listening ear.
Ladies Monthly Meeting
Our ladies see a need to support and to minister to each other, as well as reach out to family and friends – ladies supporting ladies! We meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 9AM for a “bring a dish to pass” breakfast, fun activity to get our “giggles” going, praise and praise time, and a special speaker on a topic that is meaningful to our group, as well as a Bible study time. We also will focus some of our time on outreach ministry activities and ideas.
We invite all ladies to come and spend time with other ladies, enjoy the conversations, be uplifted by the company, and glorify our Savior through words, deeds and actions!