After Jesus informed the disciples that the temple, which they had just so proudly pointed out to Him, would be destroyed, they asked Him when it would happen. According to Mark and Luke, they also asked Him what sign there would be when its destruction was about to take place (Mark 13:4; Luke 21:7). In Matthew’s account, the disciples asked for the sign of Jesus’ coming and the end of the age which probably indicates that they believed that the temple would be destroyed at the time of His second coming at the end of the age (24:1-3).
The Lord began to answer their question regarding the sign that the temple was about to be destroyed by telling them of other “signs” that must come to pass (24:4-14). These signs would occur throughout the time between Christ’s ascension and second coming, but were not signs that the temple was about to be destroyed or that the end was near (See verse 6). All of these signs Christ considered to be the beginning of sorrows (24:8; cf. Luke 21:8-19, esp. vs. 12), and commanded His disciples not to be troubled when they heard, saw or experienced them (24:6).
The sign that the temple was about to be destroyed is found in verse 15. Jesus said to His disciples, “So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand).” Again, concerning the signs found in verses 4-14, His disciples were not to be troubled (vs.6), but when they saw the abomination of desolation, then they were to be troubled, and immediately flee Judea for the mountains (vv.16-20).