The Mercy of David’s Son

Last week we saw the mercy of David’s Son, Jesus on display in His ministry of calling sinners who had been rejected by the religious elite to repentance. The Great Physician “hung out” with the spiritually unhealthy in order to make them well (Mat 9:9-13). In this portion of Scripture, we also see the mercy of Jesus on display in healing those who were unhealthy physically, and in raising a ruler’s daughter from the dead (Mat 9:18-34). The plea of the two blind men for whom Jesus restored sight is significant (vv. 27-31). “Son of David, have mercy on us!” “Son of David” is a Messianic title identifying Jesus as the One Who will sit forever on David’s throne in the kingdom of God. Appealing to Jesus as the Son of David to restore their sight is significant in that Jesus’ power and authority to heal is related to His authority to rule. The healing acts of Jesus performed during His earthly ministry should be seen as a foretaste of the disease and death free conditions of the kingdom of God He will one day establish upon the earth.