The Shepherds

Christmas is about Christ as the name of the holiday indicates – CHRISTmas. He is the Reason for the Season! However, the shepherds who were present on that first Christmas responded in ways to the birth of Christ which are worthy of our emulation (Luke 2:8-20). They believed the announcement that Christ had been born before they actually went to see Him and His parents in Bethlehem. After they saw Him, they made widely known the fact that a Savior, Christ the Lord had been born! Finally, they returned to their places glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. In this passage of Scripture, we observe three responses of the Christmas shepherds to the birth of Jesus Christ. We too must believe in Christ without ever seeing Him. We who believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God must make Him known. And we must constantly glorify and praise God that He sent His Son to the earth through the virgin birth in order to bring us salvation.